Hello Lester,

On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 18:22, Lester Caine wrote:
> OK I've downloaded phpweb and tried to run it on PHP5, but have fallen 
> at the first hurdle.
> index.php calls for
> include/pregen-events.inc
> but I can't see that on the CVS - where am I going wrong :)

Use rsync:

-- snip rsync.sh from our php.net mirror --

/usr/local/bin/rsync -avzC --delete --delete-after rsync.php.net::phpweb
$base/doc_root >/dev/null
-- /snip --

> Second problem - it seems to be hard coded to be the root web directory, 
> is that the same in PHP4? If I want to run it I have to make phpweb my 
> root Apache directory. I'm normally designing to a subdirectory which 
> can be changed without affecting operations, such as running a new 
> version, so fixed paths through me a bit ;)

How about virtualhosts?

- Timm

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