
Today I was finishing writing the tidy docs and I've noted that the
functions $tidy->repairString() and $tidy->repairFile() simply don't work!
And I think these functions should be removed. I'll explain:

non-OO way:
echo tidy_repair_string($html);

OO way:
$tidy = new tidy;
echo $html;


The non-OO way is very simple, you give it a broken HTML and it returns a
repaired HTML string. And in OO? It returns nothing! And why should you want
that function in OO? tidy_repair_string() is a one-time use only function.
Even if it exists in OO, you can't do anything with it (even if it

Can you delete those funtions, please (isn't really the functions, just the
OO mapping)?


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