On 17/11/2019 14:41, Aimeos | Norbert Sendetzky wrote:
PHP frameworks would profit from support of an "arrayable" pseudo type
hint that matches "array" and all objects that implements "Traversable",
"ArrayAccess" and "Countable".


It would be useful to implement an Arrayable interface too:

interface Arrayable extends \Iterator, \Countable, \ArrayAccess
     public function toArray() : array;

It feels like there are two alternative suggestions here. Not only do they use the same keyword to mean different things, but "convertible to array", and "usable as array" seem like distinct concepts to me.

For the "convertible to array" case, I think __toArray, or an interface specifying just that one method, would make more sense than combining it with the existing interfaces. I'm sceptical of that concept, though, because most objects could be converted to many different arrays in different circumstances, each of which should be given a different and descriptive name.

For the "usable as array" case, the big advantage would come if internal array_* functions could take such objects, but that requires a bit of thought on how each function should behave. There could also be some surprising behaviour passing infinite iterators, or objects where the output of ArrayAccess and iteration don't match up. It might make sense to have objects opt into an Arrayable interface, to make clear they're expecting to be used this way; but require no additional methods other than those required by Iterator (or Traversable), Countable, and ArrayAccess.


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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