> One interesting thing with item #1 is that it allows for remote arbitrary
> code execution even if no include-able path on a server is writable. This
> comes into play if there's a supply chain attack on your app. Say, an
> infected update on a CMS plugin. Get an eval() of a file_get_contents() of
> a URL into the code and...well, you get code execution that (if you're
> lucky) only leaves a trace in logs. If you have to write a file somewhere
> first, then include it, you've got a bit more of a footprint.

You don't have to hit disk, or have any writable path. You can just create
a stream wrapper <https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.streamwrapper.php>
that stores the "files" in memory, and include them as you would include a
regular file.

Can you work around these restrictions? Yep, but it takes a bit more effort
> than the current setup. It doesn't make a server secure by any stretch, but
> it reduces its attack surface slightly, and reduces the universe of
> malicious code that won't error out, forcing malefactors to work just a bit
> harder.

Disabling eval() really doesn't reduce the attack surface at all, if you
ask me. Malefactors will quickly & easily adapt their tools, that script
kiddies will use as before.

— Benjamin

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