Thank you for your answer Nikita.
Can you please give me more details what you mean? I can try that approach.
zend_call_method copies the args to params array which is assigned to 
zend_fcall_info fci. 
I can pass there for example "test" zval string.
Then the mentioned lower level zend_call_function() is called with fci as 
parameter, that's what I do.
In PHP code "test" is changed to "changed".
But after the call the fci.params are not changed, still "test", so I have 
nothing to copy back manually.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikita Popov <> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 4:06 PM
Cc: PHP internals <>
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] zend_call_method with arguments passed by reference

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 3:59 PM via internals <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I hope this is the appropriate mailing list, please redirect me to 
> better please if required.
> I am currently rewriting our PHP extension from PHP5 to PHP7.
> To call PHP methods from our C/C++ code we use slightly modified 
> zend_call_method from Zend/zend_interfaces.c (to use more arguments 
> than 2).
> Now I found out that it does not work with arguments passed by 
> reference, such as:
> public function FuncWithRef(array &$changeThis)
> if values are changed in the PHP code then zval values back in C part 
> after zend_call_function call are not influenced.
> With PHP5 the value was overwritten and could be used later in C code.
> Previously the zend_fcall_info struct for function call was filled 
> with params simply by
> params[0] = &arg1;
> In PHP7 this is changed to
> ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&params[0], arg1);
> After function is executed (zend_call_function) both fci.params and 
> arg1 contain still the original zval values,
> changes made in PHP code are not available. Is there any way how to 
> solve this?
> I am mainly searching for and comparing code snippets in PHP/ext 
> folder to see how things were rewritten from PHP5 to PHP7.
> Sorry if I missed something obvious and thank you for your help.

It looks like the implementation of zend_call_method() does not support this, 
as it does not copy parameters back after the call. I'd suggest to use the 
lower level zend_call_function() for the cases where you need this for now.


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