Hi Internals,

A year ago, when WeakRef was being proposed, some objections
<https://externals.io/message/104014#104068> related to the PECL Weakref
package <https://www.php.net/manual/fr/book.weakref.php> had lead the RFC
author, Joe Watkins, to rename WeakRef to WeakReference to avoid conflicts.

However, the latest addition from Nikita Popov, WeakMap
<https://wiki.php.net/rfc/weak_maps>, did not take the same argument into
account, therefore conflicting with PECL WeakMap

*First of all, how will this be handled in the docs?*

Now that we have a conflict on WeakMap anyway, and now that the PECL
package has been deprecated, and provided that the conflict can be
gracefully handled in the docs, *is there anything that prevents
WeakReference from being called WeakRef?*

Could we have both names in PHP 8, like WeakReference being an alias for

Thank you,

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