Oh there is even a rfc. https://wiki.php.net/rfc/to-array What is the
status of this?

On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 08:18, Midori Koçak <mtko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Or we can deprecate __toString() method at all and detect cast events
> instead. Would it make more sense? Something like this __casted().
> P.S: I saw the previous conversation but hence now we have types, it would
> make sense.
> Midori
> On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 08:15, Midori Koçak <mtko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As you know we have __toString method that runs whenever an object is
>> typecasted to string or it is directly echoed.
>> <?php
>> $class = (new class{
>>   public function __toString(){
>>     echo "casted\n";
>>     return "mahmut\n";
>>   }
>> });
>> echo $class;
>> $casted = (string)$class;
>> /*
>> prints:
>> casted
>> mahmut
>> casted
>> mahmut
>> */
>> As you know toArray() method implemented when an object is converted into
>> and array and most of the time when a plain data object is sent to
>> front-end.
>> Having a magic method like __toString called __toArray would be useful to
>> detect and act on conversion events.
>> Roughly it would be like:
>> <?php
>> $class = (new class{
>>   public function __toArray(){
>>     echo "casted\n";
>>     return
>>     [
>>       'key'=>'value'
>>     ];
>>   }
>> });
>> $casted = (array)$class;
>> print_r($casted);
>> /*
>> prints:
>> Array
>> (
>>     [key] => value
>> )
>> mahmut
>> */
>> What would you think? I think it would add value.

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