> On Feb 11, 2020, at 9:51 AM, Chase Peeler <chasepee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone thing of a use-case where you would want a string name of a
> function and a callable would not be acceptable, besides possibly debugging
> code that said 'echo "I'm calling ".myfunction::function;'? Everything that
> I can think of that accepts a function name, also accepts a callable (e.g.
> array_map), but I could be forgetting something.
> If not, then I think it makes sense to return a callable. It might not be
> entirely consistent with the behavior of ::class, but, a class isn't
> entirely consistent with a method/function either, so I think there is some
> latitude for small differences.
> As for the ::func vs ::function. I think ::function is safer, since it's a
> reserved word. Otherwise you might run into issues with something like this:
> class foo {
>  const func = "bar";
> }
> function foo(){}
> echo foo::func;
> Probably not something that happens very often, but, I think the 4 extra
> characters to prevent it would be worth it.-------

Returning a _closure_ instead of a string would be providing a feature we 
_already_ have instead of one we do _not_ have.

If we had ::function returning a string we could use Closure::fromCallable() to 
get a closure.  Or today just use fn() => myfunc(). 

But if ::function instead returned a closure then there still would be no way 
to extract the name of a function as a string from a symbol where PHP can throw 
a warning if it does not recognize the symbol, such as in the case of a typo.

Seems to me having a shorter syntax to get a closure is an orthogonal concern. 

If we want a shorthand for closure we should create an additional syntax for it 
but still provide a way to extract a function's name as a string from its 
symbol since that is currently _not_ possible. Getting a closure from a 
function symbol currently _is_ possible.

Much better to provide  ::function to return the name of the function and 
::closure get a closure that can call the function.  

Or have  ::function to return the name of the function and provide a syntax 
something like ${myfunc} to return a closure, which has been suggested later in 
this thread. 

Or best would be to add ::nameof for functions, method, classes, interfaces and 
traits and provide access to closures using either ::closure or a new short 


P.S. A language I specialized in during the late 80's and early 90's called 
Clipper implemented closures with the following syntax:

- Without parameters:  {|| expr } equivalent to function(){ return expr; } and 
fn() => expr;
- With parameters:  {|a,b| expr } equivalent to function(a,b){ return expr; } 
and fn(a,b) => expr;

If we want a shorter syntax for function closures than fn() => myfunc() maybe 
we consider {|| myfunc() } which would be more general purpose than only 
returning a closure for a function?

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