> On Feb 13, 2020, at 1:34 PM, Paul M. Jones <pmjo...@pmjones.io> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for your continued evaluation of the RFC.
>> Take a look at WordPress.  It does a lot of "fixup" to $_SERVER` variables — 
>> to deal with badly implemented web servers — to ensure all known variables 
>> have a value and that the format of the value is consistent.  
>> ...
>> Another option actually would be to allow changes to $_SERVER prior to 
>> instantiating ServerRequest() the first time.
> Believe it or not, this RFC does make allowance for what you're describing, 
> as a result of requiring a $globals array as the first parameter. An 
> application-specific builder or factory can modify those $globals values as 
> desired, before instantiating ServerRequest with the modified values.
> For example:
>    namespace App;
>    use ServerRequest;
>    class ServerRequestFactory
>    {
>        public function new(array $globals, ?string $content = null) : 
> ServerRequest
>        {
>            // do fixup to $globals['_SERVER'] ...
>            // ... then:
>            return new ServerRequest($globals, $content);
>        }
>    }
>    $request = (new \App\ServerRequestFactory())->new($GLOBALS);
> I can easily imagine many ways to achieve the same end (i.e., modification of 
> the constructor arguments before instantiating ServerRequest).
> Do you get where I'm coming from?

Ah, I see now.  That does allow for changing.

OTOH, what it does not do is ensure that everyone looking at the values are 
looking at the fixed-up values, nor does it offer any way to cache the original 
value except to do so at the top of every PHP file that is a URL endpoint.  

I was hoping that your proposal was having a way to capture the original values 
before any PHP code could change them AND also then allow for fixed-up values 
to be provided for _every_ instantiation of ServerRequest(). This in case a 
library were to use it, I would not want the library to be getting the 
non-fixed up values.  

So in that respect, this is worse than what we have now.

>> Why a method is important is to support filters (I guess I assumed that was 
>> obvious but realize now it was not.) For example:
>>      $request->get('redirect', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
>>      $request->get('product_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
>>      $request->get('email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
>> You could potentially even have scoped, easier to remember constants that 
>> can work with autocomplete:
>>      $request->get('redirect', ServerRequest::URL);
>>      $request->get('product_id', ServerRequest::INT);
>>      $request->get('email', ServerRequest::EMAIL);
> [snip]
> I do see what you mean. Even so, I think filtering is out-of-scope for this 
> RFC.

I would implore you to reconsider.  Without incorporating the functionality of 
filter_input() you have effectively neutered much of the value I envision your 
RFC having.  In the USA we might say "Besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the 

If I had a vote I would vote I would enthusiastically vote for the RFC if it 
includes filter_input() functionality. But I would vote against this RFC if it 
omits filter_input() functionality because it would mean another subsystem in 
core that does not actually address day-to-day concerns.

>  Certainly I want to avoid adding methods to the ServerRequest class, which 
> as envisioned is a bag of values much the same way $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, 
> etc. are bags of values.

Unless I misunderstand avoiding methods in ServerRequest is an arbitrary 
constraint which has no real-world requirement.  And if your motivation is to 
only mirror what exists then filter_input() is a function so an equivalent in 
ServerRequest should be a method and thus this in not inconsistent with your 
mirroring aspect.

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