Am 18.02.20 um 12:20 schrieb Nikita Popov:
> Hi internals,
> changes var_dump() to use
> serialize_precision instead of precision to dump floating-point numbers.
> To recap: serialize_precision defaults to -1, which will print exactly as
> many floating-point digits as are needed to represent the number
> accurately. precision defaults to 14, which will print a shorter but
> potentially inaccurate float representation.
> The motivation here is that var_dump() is debugging functionality and
> should print values as accurately as possible. The single most common bug
> report we receive is some kind of variation on:
>     $sum = 0.1 + 0.2;
>     var_dump($sum); // float(0.3)
>     var_dump($sum == 0.3); // bool(false) WTF???
> After this change, this would instead be:
>     $sum = 0.1 + 0.2;
>     var_dump($sum); // float(0.30000000000000004)
>     var_dump($sum == 0.3); // bool(false) Makes sense...
> I have little hope that developers will suddenly start understanding
> floating-point numbers, but at least this should reduce the amount of
> confusion.
> Does anyone see an issue with doing this change?

You mean apart from people now filing bugs how var_dump() can output
such a nonsensical number from such an easy equation? And that it again
shows that PHP is not a real programming language (unlike JavaScript)
and should never be used at all?

Nope ;-)



PS: I'd absolutely appreciate the change!!!
                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
|                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
|              |
|                                               |

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