Hi Mike,

First, I'd just like to reiterate that I absolutely see benefits in this proposal, and am definitely not campaigning for it to be abandoned as a bad idea. Like with any proposal, we have to weigh those benefits against the costs, and my current personal opinion is that the scales come down *very slightly* on the cost side.

I will also just say that you have made some valid points about different ways people might perceive this change, and my fears on that score may be overblown.

On 23/02/2020 07:03, Mike Schinkel wrote:

The RFC does not require mandatory use, period.

The "cost" you worry about will not exist unless and until a future RFC 
proposes to make it mandatory and that RFC is accepted.

The RFC states very clearly that the full benefit of the change will only be realised by making the markers mandatory in some way, and includes specific discussion of how that might be introduced. Put simply, tools (and even humans) get most from knowing that a particular line of code *won't* pass anything by reference, and optional markers can't guarantee that.

I am analysing the proposal on that basis, just as I would analyse a proposed deprecation on the basis that the deprecated feature will one day be removed.

If we analyse it on the basis of it *never* becoming mandatory, we have to adjust our analysis of both costs *and* benefits.

Regarding prefer-ref and prefer-val:

function call_with_current_user(Callable $callable, int &$foo, int $bar ) {
    return call_user_func( $callable, current_user(), &$foo, $bar );

If you define the function this way, all callers are *required* to pass the parameter by reference. That immediately means that this is a fatal error:

call_with_current_user('foobar', 42, 42);

Internal functions have the magical ability to accept both literals values and reference variables, whereas userland functions have to choose one or the other.

As an example of the second, even under strict settings, calls to certain internal 
functions will have an optional & at the call site, which changes their 

To those without knowledge of the core, those functions simply have to be remembered as 
"magic", because their behaviour can't be modelled as part of the normal 
I am unclear how the optional ampersand at the call site will change the 

I was referring to this line in the RFC:

If the argument is a prefer-ref argument of an internal function, then adding the |&| annotation will pass it by reference, while not adding it will pass it by value. Outside this mode, the passing behavior would instead be determined by the VM kind of the argument operand.

That means that for any function implemented internally as "prefer-ref", the user can now *choose* whether their variable will be overwritten by the function. I don't know exactly which functions this would affect, because as far as I know, the manual doesn't have a standard way to annotate "prefer-ref". Which is kind of my point: it's magic behaviour which sits outside most people's understanding of the language.

I don't particularly see a problem with requiring a third change in the future. Hindsight is a wonderful clarifier. And I believe elsewhere you have been debating me over the need for incremental change. Caveat emptor.

The distinction I would make is between incremental change, and contradictory change. If we later introduce out parameters in a way that's compatible with call-site &, that would indeed be incremental change; the effort spent adding & would move code closer to the final state. If we end up introducing call-site "out", the effort spent adding & will simply be compounded with the effort spent adding "out".

Predicting the future is a mug's game, but it's at least worth exploring some possible futures, and how decisions now might help or hinder them.


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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