Hi Terje,

I think both of your examples are compatible with the idea of grouped
operators, as long as we don't constrain a type to implement all operators
with the same right-hand side.

On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 17:23, Terje Slettebø <
terje.slett...@sandefjordbredband.net> wrote:

> Adding and subtracting money makes sense, but it makes no sense to
> multiply
> or divide them, and this is just *one* domain.

This is true, but it does make sense to multiply and divide them by
numbers, for instance $totalPrice = $unitPrice * $quantity

In general, if $a + $a represents addition, then $a * 2 should logically
give the same result. As has been raised, there is an argument for keeping
/ separate, for types that cannot handle fractional operations; it would be
a matter of choice whether $price / 2 should be supported because it would
lead to fractional pennies/cents.

> $total_discount = $total * $discount;
> Here, $total_discount and $total is Money, while $discount is a
> Percentage,
> so we should be able to define a method that allows you to multiply Money
> with Percentage, and return a Money object. Adding Money and Percentage
> would
> make no sense, but multiplying them does.

If this operator was implemented in isolation, it would again be drifting
into domain-specific language territory. (I don't personally have a problem
with that, but many people vocally object to it.)

However, it could easily be made part of a consistent set of arithmetic

On class Money:

Money + Money => Money
Money - Money => Money
Money * int => Money
Money / int => Money
int * Money => Money
int / Money => Error
Money * Percentage => Money
Money / Percentage => Money
Percentage * Money => Money
Percentage / Money => Error

Optionally, on class Percentage:

Percentage + Percentage => Percentage
Percentage - Percentage => Percentage
Percentage* int => Percentage
Percentage / int => Percentage

Rowan Tommins

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