Hey All.

Am 04.03.20 um 10:05 schrieb Christoph M. Becker:
> On 03.03.2020 at 23:13, Matthew Sheahan wrote:
>> My team’s ability to use the phpdbg utility hinges on OSI approval of its 
>> license.  Language at https://www.php.net/license/ indicates that the PHP 
>> 3.01 license is OSI approved, but OSI disagrees; 
>> https://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical shows approval only of the PHP 
>> 3.0 license.  (The fact that 3.0 and 3.01 are substantively identical is no 
>> use to us at all.)  OSI, for its part, indicates that per 
>> https://opensource.org/approval, only the “License Steward” of the PHP 3.01 
>> license has standing to request that it be reviewed, via OSI’s License 
>> Review mailing list.
>> I would like to see the license review process there carried out as soon as 
>> possible, and might suggest that the apparent inaccuracy of the claim of OSI 
>> approval for 3.01 on php.net is a matter for concern.
>> Publicly available information does not yield any insight into who the 
>> “License Steward” of the PHP 3.01 license might be, or how to contact any 
>> responsible party at the PHP Group.  If anyone can direct me appropriately 
>> or forward this message to someone who can, I would very much appreciate it. 
>>  Thanks!

Does anyone here remember why the changes to the license where done in
the first place? The commit was done on the 1st of Jan. 2006 (at least
according to
and I couldn't find that commit on svn.php.net any more to have more
information on it...

Insight would be highly appreciated ;-)



                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
| mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
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| http://hei.gl/root-ca                                               |

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