On Mon, 11 May 2020 at 10:52, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please tell me if you have further concerns

Question - as this is just sugar, presumably it doesn't add much
complexity to the PHP engine?

Vague concern - because it's a novel syntax, I find it hard to read,
particularly when there are comments* for the properties. Do you think
I'll just get used to it, or is it likely to be an ongoing issue?

Also, in five years time, if we have structs**, people will be
wondering why we bothered with this. But I think it does make life
easier for developers in the meantime.


* Example of comments.

class UrlToPdfProcessor
    public function __construct(
        // The full url to reach the instance of chrome running in
headless mode.
        public string $chromeUrl,

        // A path to a directory where the output PDF will be written to.
        // It must already exist and be writeable by the process running
        // the PDF processor.
        public string $tmpPath,

        // The internal domain name for the site to be rendered.
        // The domain name should not contain either protocol or path
        // components
        string $internalDomain
) {

** structs - https://github.com/Danack/RfcCodex/blob/master/structs.md

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