On Fri, May 22, 2020, at 10:42 AM, Ilija Tovilo wrote:
> Hi Larry
> > My one question is why you're not including the implicit "match (true)"
> > in this version, when the secondary vote on the previous RFC was
> > 80% in favor of it.
> I received quite a bit of feedback that the RFC was too complex. I
> tried to make the RFC simpler by removing all non-essential parts. I'm
> ready to create a follow up RFC for this (although it would probably
> not make PHP 8.0).

Hm.  A logical argument, but given its overwhelming support before and that 
it's therefore almost certain to pass in the future, I don't see why it's a net 
win to have PHP 8.0 missing that bit.  It seemed uncontroversial, and seems 
like a highly common use case.

--Larry Garfield

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