On 08/06/2020 19:37, Larry Garfield wrote:
That... is not related?  This is*not*  a documentation tool.  At all.  It's more akin to 
moving Doctrine Annotations into core (junior version thereof).  It doesn't render 
docblocks redundant, it renders "using docblocks for custom metaprogramming" 
redundant, which was always a fugly hack to begin with.

A type system improvement for "this parameter must be a positive integer less than 
50" would be super nice, I agree, but is in no way related to the topic at hand at 

But at the end of the day, THAT has been the problem all along with people insisting on 'strong typing'. Surly the 'topic in hand' SHOULD be to address the base level variables and create a base that replaces the material that many of us of have used docblocks to provide for years, and which most decent IDE's display currently without needing to add more work understanding new 'ways'. A variable that may or may not be NULL, read only, integer, numeric, string and so on with size and length restrictions automatically managed ... the code for which is permanently loaded and not being rebuilt every time a different 'version' of a variable is loaded. The sort of facility that every database interface tries to emulate when interchanging persistent data with a database value, and an array of which consistently defines a record as a group of variables. Grouping those variables to provide objects which simply manages the relations between them.

I suppose the real question is if PHP is a script processor or a compiler? If people want a complied program, then use C/C++ direct! Leave PHP as a script processor and restore one of the main reasons PHP worked so well long ago ... it provided a well managed library of scripts for doing the basic jobs that have not changed since day one. I seem to recall a recent request for BUILDING such a library? But that is exactly what PEAR has provided for years. It's just not well maintained these days simply because it requires a hell of a lot of work to 'bring it up to date with PHP7.x' as does a lot of the legacy code base :( Yet amazingly 99% of that legacy code DOES still run ... just throwing errors that may well simply be ignored.

PHP8 is yet another push to make PHP 'more modern' but is it ACTUALLY making PHP better or do we have precisely the same problem as Python but trying to change things piecemeal rather than just going all in and destroying BC and starting again with 'a more current language'?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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