Hey André,

This does indeed seem to cut into the traditional property accessors scope.

I'm no longer seeing a reason to have property accessors, since immutable
state (and promotion thereof) is much more relevant to fight bugs and
improve application performance and maintainability.

Therefore, I would endorse re-visiting the RFC at
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/write_once_properties instead.

Máté also linked today (
https://twitter.com/kocsismate90/status/1277625002720968704) that C# 9.0 is
getting init-only properties, which looks similar to the RFC linked above.

Assuming we solve annoyances around cloning, that would be a more sensible
way forward, while property accessors seem to perpetuate the bad practice
of getters and setters, which are the main cause for me having to fire up a
debugger in any environment.

Marco Pivetta



On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 11:42 AM André Rømcke <andre.rom...@gmail.com>

> Good morning Internals,
> I'd like to start discussion on a new RFC proposing a way to be able to
> (optionally) specify property
> write visibility, separate from read:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property_write_visibility
> This enables readonly, write-only and immutable like semantics for PHP's
> properties.
> These are the common use cases where users tend to resort to magic methods
> or setter/getter
> methods. This proposal will as such avoid unnecessary boilerplate, makes
> coding easier and more
> ergonomic, and in the case of magic method usage improve performance.
> Best,
> André Rømcke

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