Hi George,

On Wed, 1 Jul 2020 at 15:26, G. P. B. <george.bany...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    2. Emit the E_WARNING "Illegal string offset" and evaluate to 0 for
>    offsets like '2str', and emit the E_WARNING "String offset cast
>    occurred" for float numeric strings like '2.5'

I'm not clear how this option fits with the rest of the RFC; there's no
explicit mention of evaluating values to 0 which would previously have been
evaluated differently. That would fall into the most significant category
of BC breaks: working code in version X still works in version Y, but
produces different results.

At the moment, the "Backward Incompatible Changes" section just says:

> code with liberal use of leading-numerical strings will need to be

It would be good to expand that with examples of what such code would look
like, how it would behave before and after, and what updates the user would
need to make.

Rowan Tommins

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