On Wed, June 17, 2020 at 5:59 PM Theodore Brown wrote:

> I've opened voting on the Shorter Attribute Syntax RFC:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax
> Since all RFCs require a primary vote with a 2/3 majority, there is
> a main vote to approve the secondary ranked-choice vote.
> For the ranked-choice poll, fill in your first through third syntax
> choices, making sure not to select the same syntax more than
> once. You don't have to vote for all three options, but please
> don't leave gaps.
> Voting will end in two weeks, on 2020-07-01.

Hi internals,

The Shorter Attribute Syntax RFC vote is now closed. The primary poll
for re-voting on attribute syntax was approved with 50 in favor and 8

For the secondary ranked-choice poll there are 61 valid ballots. Since
only one syntax can be elected, the quota is floor(61 / 2) + 1 = 31.

Note: one ballot wasn't counted since it selected the same syntax
more than once. However, this does not change the vote outcome.

In the first round the tally is as follows:

@@: 34 votes
#[]: 21 votes
<<>>: 6 votes

So @@ reaches the quota and has been elected as the final attribute
syntax for PHP 8.

Thank you to everyone who voted!

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