> Yes, it would be a dynamic uniqueness system, kind of.
> Another more flexible alternative would be to add magic methods at
> refcount = 1 and refcount > 1, possibly __owned() and __shared(int
> $refcount), for classes that implement a TrackReferencesInterface or
> similar. But this would need to do ~0 performance hit if not used,
> don't know if possible.

Then again, php already calls __destruct if it exists when the refcount goes to 
so I may be overestimating the potential performance impact.

There's a lot of edge cases - probably way more than I mention here.
Running into those edge cases, you might find the feature unsatisfactory if it 
were to be implemented.

For example,
- The UniqueReferenceException itself creates a trace, that increments 
reference counts, which might itself cause a UniqueReferenceException.
  Workarounds for that would probably involve allowing multiple objects to 
reference a UniqueInterface, and then it would be a weaker guarantee.
- unserialize() keeps extra references to ensure that it can delete the created 
objects if the original references were overwritten. __wakeup() and 
- The reference count is incremented when calling __destruct(), I think.

class UniqueObject implements UniqueInterface{
    public function __construct() {
        debug_zval_dump($this);  // refcount 3 - and then what about 
`$GLOBALS['something'] = $this` inside __construct
    public function someUtilMethod() {
        // object(UniqueObject)#1 (0) refcount(2){
        // }
// The reference count goes to 2 in someUtilMethod because there's 2 references.
// the temporary and $this.
(new UniqueObject())->someUtilMethod();

- Tyson
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