Le Thu, 6 Aug 2020 07:48:05 +0100 (BST),
Derick Rethans <der...@php.net> a écrit :
> From the RFC:
> - No ending delimiter

As said before, it does have an ending delimiter when they are arguments since
 there is the parenthesis around them. When there are no arguments I don’t see
 the benefit of an ending delimiter, it’s easy to spot the end of the word.

> - Doesn't allow grouping

I do not understand this argument, what is the point of grouping for @@?
Does grouping mean anything special for other syntaxes, or is it just to save
 keystrokes? If it is just to get a more concise syntax when there are several
 attributes, the fact that @@ do not need grouping is a pro, not a con.

> - No forwards compat with PHP 7

But no BC break either, while #[] introduces BC break.

> - Not used ny another language

@ is used by a lot of other languages, and @@ is the closest we can get in PHP.


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