On 09/08/2020 18:14, Chris Riley wrote:
Hi all,

RFC link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/renamed_parameters

I have spent the weekend working on a final revision for this RFC to
address several of the points brought up.

My opinion on this RFC remains unchanged:

- It would have been a reasonable alternative proposal to bring to the list 3 months ago [1] when Nikita formally resurrected his RFC - The problem it highlights would be a suitable reason to vote "No" to that proposal


- It is effectively a complete replacement for, not a minor amendment of, the previous RFC - The solution it proposes was discussed on the list at least once but didn't receive substantial support [2] - It doesn't present any evidence that those who voted Yes to the previous RFC [3] were missing information, have changed their minds, or voted for a proposal they thought was non-optimal, in sufficient numbers to reverse a majority of 39.

It is true that the behaviour of variadic parameters wasn't discussed very thoroughly, and some concerns with it were raised during voting [4]. An RFC amending or removing *that* behaviour would feel like a more reasonable amendment, since it doesn't change the core feature that has been overwhelmingly accepted.

[1] https://externals.io/message/110004
[2] https://externals.io/message/109549#109558 (I used :$foo in my examples rather than $:foo, but it's otherwise an identical proposal I think)
[3] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/named_params#vote
[4] https://externals.io/message/110910#110961


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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