Hi internals,

> - Add a hook to `readline` such as 
> `readline_set_php_result_handler_callback(function(mixed $result, string 
> $snippet){...})`
>   that can be used to create a user-defined function to print/process the 
> result of expressions.
>  (Create a clone of `zend_eval_stringl` to support that)
> (The result value would instead be freed after the callback was called)
>  Many other REPLs (Read-Eval-Print Loops) that I'm familiar with print a 
>representation of the result of expressions, but PHP doesn't.

I've added this in https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5962 .
I plan to add a system ini setting that can be used to permanently disable this 
silently (enabled by default in all environments/example configs)
This will be callable if `readline` is installed, whether or not the shell is 
interactive or the SAPI is CLI.
- e.g. `cli.allow_interactive_shell_result_function=1` would be the default. 
Other existing settings were 
- A buggy handler closure might interfere with people trying to debug issues,
  which is why the ini setting is proposed.

    function (string $code, $result) {
        // echo "Result of: " . trim($code) . "\n";
        echo json_encode($result) . "\n"; // or var_dump(), etc.

1. Are there objections to adding this in 8.1 (after adding the described ini 
2. Thoughts on the name? readline_interactive_shell_result_handler_function 
probably makes more sense.
does something similar.

The unit tests give an example of how this could be used.

- Tyson
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