Hey Manuel,

On Sun, Aug 9, 2020, 11:02 Manuel Canga <p...@manuelcanga.dev> wrote:

> Hi Internals,
> I'd like to open up a discussion around the implementation of a new
> functionality: 'import of variables'.
> This functionality would allow to create a new  'use vars' keyword in
> order to can use( or cannot use )  global variables in local scope( of
> current file ).
> I think the best is a example:
> ```php
> <?php
> $a = 1;
> $b = 2;
> $c = 3;
> include __DIR__.'/without_import.php';
> include __DIR__.'/all_import.php';
> include __DIR__.'/none_import.php';
> include __DIR__.'/some_vars.php';
> include __DIR__.'/global_in_function.php';
> ```
> ## without_import.php
> ```php
> <?php
> echo $a; //1
> echo $b; //2
> $c = 'any value'; //replace value in global var
> ```
> ## all import.php
> ```php
> <?php
> use vars all;
> echo $a; //1
> echo $b; //2
> $c = 'other value'; //replace value in global var
> ```
> ## none_import.php
> ```php
> <?php
> use vars none;
> echo $a; //Warning: undefined var $a
> echo $b; //Warning: undefined var $b
> $c = 'other value'; //assign value to local var
> ```
> ## some_vars.php
> ```php
> <?php
> use vars $a, $c, $d; //Warning: undefined var $d
> echo $a; //1
> echo $b; //Warning: undefined var $b
> $c = 'a value'; //replace value in global var
> ```
> ## global_in_function.php
> ```php
> <?php
> use vars $a, $c;
> function hello() {
>         global $a, $b, $c;
>         echo $a; //1
>         echo $b; //null.
>         $c = 'end value'; //replace value in global var
> }
> hello();
> ```
> In a project with a lot of global vars( like WordPress ) this
> functionality avoids conflicts and easy replacements of values in main
> global vars.

This looks like what IIFE do already (you can use them today):


require 'something/with/side/effects.php';

(static function () use ($a, $b, & $c) : void {
    echo $a; //1
    echo $b; //Warning: undefined var $b
    $c = 'a value'; //replace value in global var

You can use this right now, and it has the advantage of reporting any
missing symbols right at the time at which the closure is declared.

I tend to use IIFE all the time in procedural code, since they prevent
leaking state into globals 👍


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