On Sun, Jul 26, 2020, at 11:24 AM, Larry Garfield wrote:
> The vote on the PHP namespace policy is now open:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_namespace_policy
> Usual rules, 2/3 required for passage.  Vote will be open until 9 August.

The vote has been closed.  Final results:

Yes: 13
No: 17

The RFC has not passed.  Thank you to those that participated.

I neglected to include a "why not" section in the vote (my fault), so I would 
ask for those who voted no, Why?

1) I don't believe we should have a policy on this at all.
2) We should explicitly have a policy to only ever use the global namespace.
3) We should have a namespace policy, but I didn't like some detail of this 
one.  (Please explain.)
4) Other (please explain).

Thank you for your time.

--Larry Garfield

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