2020-09-21 16:13 GMT, Michael Morris <tendo...@gmail.com>:
> This sort of thing would be useful. Drupal and Symfony both mark methods in
> their libraries that aren't supposed to be used externally, but people do
> anyway and then they get mad at the framework developers when they decide
> to rearrange what are supposed to be internal methods.
> I wrote a userland assertion to enforce just this sort of thing - enforcing
> Java's notion of protected on methods otherwise marked as public. It worked
> by looking up the caller in the debug_backtrace and checking to see if the
> namespaces matched. To keep the impact of this check minimal I used
> assert() for the check so that it wouldn't bog down production (where,
> presumably, no new code would be written).
> Now, the above worked, but you could hack in by lying about your namespace
> in your file declaration.  Since, at the end of the day, PHP's notion of
> namespace is entirely a string replace with no other enforcement there's no
> way I can see of changing this short of fundamentally changing how PHP
> handles namespaces.  But I wonder if that should be bothered with since
> someone would have to go considerably out of their way to make a call to a
> method they weren't supposed to, and they only have themselves to blame if
> this sort of solution becomes unstable.
> Next thing to consider - we have the problem of having already used the
> protected keyword in PHP, and honestly I prefer PHP's interpretation of the
> word. However, PHP doesn't have class scope at this time, so one
> possibility is to allow class scope to set a default scope of the unscoped
> methods and members of the class. So...
> public class A {
>   function foo () {} // Callable from anywhere.
> }
> protected class B {
>   function foo () {} // Callable only from current namespace, or any child
> namespace.
>   public function moo() {} // Callable anywhere. In effect the method
> specific scope overrides class scope.
> }
> private class C {
>   function foo () {} // Callable only from the same namespace, no children
> can access. This includes a extending child function from another namespace
>   protected function moo () {} // Callable from any child class regardless
> of that child's namespace.
> }
> That could work. Feel free to poke holes in this - I'm sure I've missed
> something.

This syntax is already used for the PR about namespace encapsulation.
Also, I think visibility always should be explicit.


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