I really like this page as well! It will definitely help improve PHP's
reputation and adoption.

I'd like to suggest a couple improvements, though:

1/ Match expression:

The new match is similar to switch and has the following features:
> (...)
> *+ Match throws an UnhandledMatchError if no match is found*

2/ Nullsafe operator:

Instead of null check conditions, you can now use a chain of calls with the
> new nullsafe operator.
> *- When the evaluation of one element in the chain fails*, the execution
> of the entire chain aborts and the entire chain evaluates to null.
> *+ When one element in the chain evaluates to null*, the execution of the
> entire chain aborts and the entire chain evaluates to null.

IMO, "fails" could imply that an unknown property, or a property that
evaluates to a non-object is acceptable.

Sorry if these suggestions come a bit late, now that translations have

— Benjamin

On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 at 16:40, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:

> I've been receiving fantastic feedback on the PHP 8.0 Announcement landing
> page ( https://www.php.net/releases/8.0 ), and I just wanted to extend a
> big Thank You to all the folks at JetBrains for making this suggestion and
> putting forth the work on the initial four translations (en, pt_BR, de, and
> ru).  This has helped spread the excitement around this release, and I hope
> we continue the tradition next year!
> -Sara
> P.S. - It's especially encouraging that our community stepped up
> immediately to provide two more translations (fr and zh; plus I happen to
> know my wife is working on Spanish as I type this).

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