Le 29/12/2020 à 17:57, Máté Kocsis a écrit :
Hi Internals,

I think this will be my last proposal for quite some while :)
But this time, I'd like to propose bundling the
https://github.com/crazyxman/simdjson_php extension
with some major modifications.

The proposed OO API is included in the description of the
PR that I've just created: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/6551

The main motivation behind this RFC is two-fold:
- the underlying simdjson library (https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson)
which is used by ext/simdjson provides huge performance gains
compared to ext/json (see some benchmark results in the PR)
- we can support new use-cases, most notably the so called "on-demand"
parsing: https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson/blob/master/doc/ondemand.md
(This is not implemented currently)

Originally, I planned to include the new API in ext/json, but unfortunately,
simdjson is written is C++, so it would make C++ as a hard dependency,
which was not the case so far. That's why I opted for creating ext/simdjson.

Please let me know if you have any feedback.

the library seems young and very active, and so probably not available in most distributions.

I would prefer to use the common way

- propose as pecl extension
- wait for maturity (extension AND library)
- propose for merge in php-src

IMHO: too early for this one.



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