> On Dec 30, 2020, at 1:15 PM, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30/12/2020 13:49, Olle Härstedt wrote:
>> Uniqueness is when you only allow _one_ reference to an object (or
>> bucket of memory).
>> [...]
>> You can compare a builder pattern with immutability vs non-aliasing
>> (uniqueness):
>> ```
>> // Immutable
>> $b = new Builder();
>> $b = $b->withFoo()->withBar()->withBaz();
>> myfun($b);  // $b is immutable, so $b cannot be modified by myfun()
>> return $b;
>> ```
>> ```
>> // Uniqueness
>> $b = new Builder();  // class Builder is annotated as non-aliasing/unique
>> $b->addFoo();
>> $b->addBar();
>> $b->addBaz();
>> myfun(clone $b);  // HAVE TO CLONE TO NOT THROW EXCEPTION.
>> return $b;
>> ```
> Thanks, I can see how that solves a lot of the same problems, in a very 
> robustly analysable way.
> However, from a high-level user-friendliness point of view, I think "withX" 
> methods are actually more natural than explicitly cloning mutable objects.

"User-friendliness" of this nature is in the eye of the beholder. 

A different perspective is that "withX" methods require a mental translation 
where "addX" methods do not, much like how a person whose native language is 
English will find it a challenge to (or cannot) "think" in French.

> Consider the case of defining a range: firstly, with plain integers and 
> familiar operators:
> $start = 1;
> $end = $start + 5;
> This models integers as immutable values, and + as an operator which returns 
> a new instance. If integers were mutable but not aliasable, we would instead 
> write something like this:
> $start = 1;
> $end = clone $start;
> $end += 5; // where += would be an in-place modification, not a short-hand 
> for assignment
> I think the first more naturally expresses the desired algorithm. It's 
> therefore natural to want the same for a range of dates:
> $start = MyDate::today();
> $end = $start->withAddedDays(5);
> vs
> $start = MyDate::today();
> $end = clone $start;
> $end->addDays(5);

Ignoring that you are comparing apples and oranges (scalars to objects,) the 
latter is easier to reason about IMO.

> To put it a different way, value types naturally form *expressions*, which 
> mutable objects model clumsily. It would be very tedious if we had to avoid 
> accidentally mutating the speed of light:
> $e = (clone $m) * ((clone $c) ** 2);
>> The guarantee in both above snippets is that myfun() DOES NOT modify
>> $b before returning it. BUT with immutability, you have to copy $b
>> three times, with uniqueness only one.
> I wonder if that difference can be optimised out by the compiler/OpCache: 
> detect clones that immediately replace their original, and optimise it to an 
> in-place modification. In other words, compile $foo = clone $foo with { x: 42 
> } to $foo->x = 42, even if the clone is actually in a "withX" method.

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