Hi Larry,

pon., 28 gru 2020 o 21:22 Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com>

> Hello, Internalians!
> After considerable discussion and effort, Ilija and I are ready to offer
> you round 2 on enumerations.  This is in the spirit of the previous
> discussion, but based on that discussion a great deal has been reworked.
> The main change is that Enumeration Cases are now object instances of the
> Enumeration class rather than their own class.  Most of the other changes
> are knock-on effects of that.
> Of particular note:
> * Cases may not have methods or constants on them.  They're just dumb
> values.
> * Enums themselves may have methods, static methods, or constants.
> * Traits are supported, as long as they don't have properties.
> * The value() method on scalar enums is now a property.
> The full RFC is here, and I recommend reading it again in full given how
> much was updated.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/enumerations
> The implementation is 98% complete; there's still a few lagging bits in
> reflection, and some opcache bugs that Ilija is still stomping on.

I really like the shape of the current RFC.

I'd like to ask a few things:

1. Regarding the Scalar Enums since scalar values need to be literal and
by design they're read only why they use a spear "->value" on enumeration?
A spear "->" in objects is dedicated to class properties and by default
they make thinking of property which
in most cases is read-write visible.

An example using Suit enumeration from RFC:
// when I assign an enumeration to variable
$var = Suit::Spades;
// then reaching it's value using "->value"
echo $var->value; // 'C'
// Looks just like an object property fetch

By default if a property is visible it is write accessible as well, which
may confuse.

Instead of using spear "->value" would it be possible to fetch the value
just like object constants?

print Suit::Clubs::value; // 'C'
echo $var::value; // 'C'

This mentally indicates by default that it's value is constant, simple
scalar value and read only!

2. Regarding the Scalar Enums declaration syntax

enum Suit: string {
  case Hearts = 'H';

Would it make sense to move the part declaring enumeration value before
enum name?
I think it was put here to look similar to function return type, but IMHO
it looks better and reads easier
when moved before enum name:

enum:string Suit {
  case Hearts = 'H';

Leaving the space between enum name and bracket for further extensions in
What do you think?

Michał Marcin Brzuchalski

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