On 30/12/2020 21:24, Aleksander Machniak wrote:
My argument is that, from an end-user perspective, I don't really see
why Unit and Scalar enums have to have different "API" at this point.
I'm talking about ":string"/":int" in the enum definiton as well as
->value and ->from().

My personal opinion is that for many enums, explicitly not having a scalar representation is a good thing.

This is basically similar to my opinion of __toString() etc: if you have *multiple* ways to convert something to/from a scalar, blessing one of them as "default" is arbitrary and confusing.

For example:

enum BookingStatus {
     case PENDING;
     case CONFIRMED;
     case CANCELLED;

     public function getId() {
           return match($this) {
                self::PENDING => 1,
                self::CONFIRMED => 2,
                self::CANCELLED => 3,
     public function getCode() {
           return match($this) {
                self::PENDING => 'PEN',
                self::CONFIRMED => 'CON',
                self::CANCELLED => 'CAN',
     public function getEnglishDescription() {
           return match($this) {
                self::PENDING => 'Pending Payment',
                self::CONFIRMED => 'Confirmed',
                self::CANCELLED => 'Cancelled',


Rowan Tommins

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