Hi Nikita Popov and Benjamin Morel,

> > I probably brought this up in a previous thread, but I think it's worth
> > considering again here, given recent changes to the RFC:
> > 
> > I think it would make more sense to introduce this as `function
> > array_is_list(array $array): bool`. That is, a function that only accepts
> > arrays in the first place and determines whether the given array is a list.
> > 
> > Your RFC does mention this possibility, but I think the argument it makes
> > against it is not particularly strong, especially given the recent rename.
> > The argument is that is_array_and_list($array) is shorter than writing out
> > is_array($array) && array_is_list($array) -- that's still true, but with
> > the new name, it's really not that much shorter anymore.
> > 
> > On the other hand, is_array($array) && array_is_list($array) cleanly
> > separates out the two predicates. If we take into account the fact that in
> > the vast majority of cases we will know a-priori that the input is an
> > array, just not whether it is a list, making the function
> > array_is_list($array) is both clearer and more concise.
> > 
> >    function foo(array $array) {
> >        assert(array_is_list($array)); // Already know it's an array...
> >    }
> > 
> >    if (is_array($value)) {
> >        if (array_is_list($value)) { // Already know it's an array...
> >            return serialize_as_list($value);
> >        } else {
> >            return serialize_as_dict($value);
> >        }
> >    }
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Nikita
> I like array_is_list(array $array): bool much better, too.

After seeing the discussion about confusion with potential `list`/`vec` types, 
the potential for confusion with ArrayObject/SplDoublyLinkedList,
and the likeliness that this will usually be called on values that are already 
known to be arrays,
`array_is_list(array $array): bool` seems like a better option - it's better to 
throw a TypeError for objects 
despite the slight inconvenience of potentially needing to rule out null/false.

I plan to update the RFC/implementation soon.


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