Hi Rowan Tommins,

> > Hi internals,
> >
> > I've created https://wiki.php.net/rfc/readable_var_representation based on
> > my original proposal in https://externals.io/message/112924
> >
> > This RFC proposes adding a new function `var_representation(mixed $value, 
> > int $flags=0): string`
> My hesitation remains that this is just duplicating existing 
> functionality with only cosmetic differences.
> As a user of PHP 8.1, how would I decide whether to use print_r, 
> var_dump, var_export, or var_representation?
> And under what circumstances would I bother to write 
> "var_representation($var, VAR_REPRESENTATION_SINGLE_LINE);"?

You have a good point on needing to document the circumstances where this would 
be useful.
I meant to write up the reasons where an end user would
or wouldn't want this functionality - it's useful when reviewing or voting on 
the RFC.
I've added those to 
, including when I think the VAR_REPRESENTATION_SINGLE_LINE flag would be 
useful to users.

var_representation  may be useful to a user when any of the following apply:

- You are generating a snippet of code to eval() in a situation where the 
snippet will occasionally or frequently be read by a human  (If the output 
never needs to be read by a human, `return unserialize(' . 
var_export(serialize($data), true) . ');` can be used)
- The output is occasionally or frequently read by humans (e.g. CLI or web app 
output, a REPL, unit test output, etc.).
- The output contains control characters such as newlines, tabs, `\r` or `\x00` 
and may be viewed or edited by other users in a text editor/IDE. Many IDEs may 
convert from windows line endings (`\r\n`) to unix line endings(`\n`) 
- You want to unambiguously see control characters in the raw output regardless 
of how likely they are (e.g. dumping php ini settings, debugging mysterious 
test failures, etc)
- You are writing unit tests for applications supporting PHP 8.1+ (or a 
var_representation polyfill) that test the exact string representation of the 
output (e.g. phpt tests of php-src and PECL extensions) 
- You need to copy the output into a codebase that's following a modern coding 
style guideline such as modern coding guidelines such as PSR-2. It also saves 
time if you don't have to remove array keys of lists and convert array() to [].

(I added that and a section on when/why a user may decide to use 

As for print_r() - https://www.php.net/print_r seems underdocumented - It 
doesn't mention how booleans, null, and floats are represented (same as 
print()) except in user notes.

The online documentation for var_export/var_dump explains what they do but not 
why/when they would be used,
it may be worthwhile to submit a PR to expand on those.


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