On Mon, Feb 1, 2021, at 11:48 AM, Alexandru Pătrănescu wrote:

> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/enumerations
> >
> > At this point, Ilija and I consider the RFC done and ready for a vote.
> > Baring any major issues being brought up, we plan to start the vote in the
> > first half of next week, probably Tuesday-ish.  If you have any other bug
> > reports or tweaks, please speak now or forever hold your patches.
> >
> > --Larry Garfield
> >
> >
> Hi,
> Maybe IterableEnum can actually be just Enum. As you are not allowed to
> implement it and/or define it, wouldn't it work? That's how it's named
> internally in Java, not that it would matter but sometimes people forget
> it's just syntactic sugar there as well (
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Enum.html): public
> abstract class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> implements Comparable<E>,
> Serializable.

We tried that.  The `enum` keyword precludes any class or interface being 
called `Enum`, even internally.

> Also in the interface I think you can include the name property, similarly
> with how you did in BackedEnum interface.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property_accessors will probably allow it to be
> clearly defined at some point.
> A bit it bothers me that backed enums are very easy to implement even
> without the special case and just a simple Enum would be fine.
> I mean even if you will have a backed enum, with would be simple and
> probably the need will come at some point to have also a public function
> getLegacyValue(): string and a public static function
> fromLegacyValue(string $value): Enum.
> But yes, using backed values is a common pattern so I'm guessing it's a
> valuable important use case.

It's more about standardizing the API.  An ORM can rely on a backed enum always 
exposing its "value to save to the DB" at ->value, rather than it sometimes 
being ->value(), sometimes ->legacyValue(), sometimes ->asInt(), etc.

> For storing in a database purpose, property name can be used directly, I
> think.
> It would nice to have in the rfc the recommended way to retrieve the Enum,
> given that you know the name.
> I'm guessing that would be Suit::$name;

That doesn't work for referencing a constant; it gets read as a static 
property.  That's a more general syntactic question for PHP, and one we're not 
going to solve here. :-)  Really, ->name is more an implementation artifact.  
If you want to have a primitive to pass around, for whatever reason, that's 
what a backed enum is for.

--Larry Garfield

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