On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 10:57 AM Pierre R. <pierre-...@processus.org> wrote:
> Le 13/02/2021 à 18:01, Levi Morrison via internals a écrit :
> > You make some good points, Pierre. Here are my main rebuttals:
> >
> >   1. "Spl" is already the effective namespace for the SPL because
> > that's the prefix used by SplFixedArray, SplQueue, spl_classes, and so
> > on. Its namespace has already been de facto chosen.
> >
> >   2. We have two proposals adding new things to the SPL for 8.1, so we
> > need to decide if they are going into ext/spl as 1. \Spl\Thing, 2.
> > \SplThing, or 3. \Thing. Keeping the wider vision in mind is a great
> > principle, but we need to decide on these new additions _now_ despite
> > not reaching consensus on the wider thing.
> >
> > Obviously, I'm hopeful we can agree on using the Spl namespace for
> > these additions, and any future SPL additions.
> >
> >    [1]: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/any_all_on_iterable#vote
> Aside of the fact I don't like "Spl" if a good naming convention comes
> out with it prefixing all namespaces so be it and I'll be happy. One
> thing that bother me much in the current proposal is those kind of
> classes: `Spl\FixedArray -> SplFixedArray`.
> That's the most important point in my eyes, it should be already named
> with a deeper namespace, such as:
> `Spl\[Collection|List]\{FixedArray,Vector,Queue,LinkedList,...}`
> in order to make space for later other namespaces to take their rightful
> place, such as:
> `Spl\Security\{PasswordHash,RandomNumberGenerator,...}` or
> `Spl\[Io|File|FileSystem]\{FileBuffer,DirectoryIterator}`.
> Even if it starts with a narrow scope, it *must*, in my opinion, make
> space for later additions, therefore `Spl\` must be considered as being
> the "PHP standard library root namespace", in that regard, no classes or
> functions must live at root, they must be segregated in their own
> sub-namespace. If we don't do this, we will very much regret it later.
> Regards,
> --
> Pierre
> --
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To be clear, I am arguing that `Spl` be the namespace for future
additions to `ext/spl`, and that we alias a few existing types for
consistency. Just as `ext/spl` is not the whole PHP standard library
(just one small part of it), the `Spl` namespace I am proposing is not
the "PHP standard library root namespace" either; it's just the
namespace for the bits in `ext/spl`.

What you are arguing for was the subject of recent namespacing
proposals, which failed to reach consensus. I am intentionally
proposing a different solution for a much narrower problem hoping it
will stick, so that new additions going into the ext/spl can avoid
having this naming discussion every time.

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