Hi Nikita,

śr., 3 mar 2021, 16:04 użytkownik Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com>

> Hi internals,
> I would like to propose allowing the use of "new" inside various
> initializer expressions: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/new_in_initializers
> In particular, this allows specifying object default values for properties
> and parameters, and allows the use of objects as attribute arguments.
> The RFC is narrow in scope in that it only adds support for "new". An
> extension to other call kinds should be straightforward though.

The reflection mechanism for properties, constants and parameters is not
described in RFC but I do believe it should for constants part. Correct me
if I'm wrong there.

The reflection for ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue the same for
ReflectionParameter is similar and I get that it possibly should evaluate
the value on each call. But what about constants which by their nature
don't change?
Does that mean that each time ReflectionClass::getConstant is called the
value is already evaluated and the return value always refer to the same
object instance. Is that right? I guess it is.

IMO it deserves to be described in the RFC.

In general I love the proposal was especially thinking of it for static

Michał Marcin Brzuchalski


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