> but then we can bring up the side running RFC from
> Larry which proposes to make the same short syntax available for other
> function declarations, how would this work then with this mindset of
> `fn` meaning auto capture? Does that mean a procedural function
> declared with `fn` will now inherit the scope from which it was
> declared (usually the global scope)? What about methods declarations,
> do they import properties into the local scope? How does traits
> interact here, same as methods?

I think I remember the 1st version of Larry's RFC proposing `public fn
classMethod(): bool => $this->myAttr;` as a class method which seems to
match what you're trying to say here, but that has been withdrawn and the
RFC no longer proposes the fn keyword for class methods or function
declarations, which is discussed under *Background* of RFC
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/auto-capture-closure. Larry and Nuno may correct
me if I'm wrong but as far as I understood, that change happened to address
exactly the points you're describing here: what does `public fn
classMethod(): bool` would capture? There's actually little to no reason to
do it. Larry's RFC still proposes a great improvement for
getters/setters/short methods and Nuno's RFC allows us to write code that
is naturally expected to work, such as `fn () => {...}`.

As for making `fn` an alias of `function` I believe that is already broken
because of 7.4 arrow functions. As you describe, that would be "an
exception" to PHP syntax, but more pressing it means that we would be
wasting the potential of 2 separate keywords having different goals. I
think it was Nikita that once said that we have a very limited budget on
what we can do/offer through programming syntax and throwing `fn` out would
be such a waste of that limited budget.

Marco Aurélio Deleu

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