On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 3:41 PM Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>

> On 22.03.2021 at 10:24, Nikita Popov wrote:
> > It's time for another deprecation RFC:
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_8_1
> >
> > As we're still early in the release cycle, it's still possible to add
> > additional deprecation candidates, given reasoning for the deprecation,
> as
> > well as available alternatives.
> I'd like to propose the deprecation of odbc_result_all()[1].  My main
> motivation for getting rid of this function is to reduce unnecessary
> complexity in the ODBC extension.  I doubt that this function is used
> (often) in production code, and even for quick experiments/tests it is
> unlikely to be helpful.  For those needing it, it shouldn't be hard to
> implement it in PHP.
> [1] <https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.odbc-result-all.php>

I'm on board with deprecating odbc_result_all(). This is pretty much the
archetype of old school PHP -- make a query and dump the result right into
an HTML table... Escaping? Who needs that!


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