As stated last week, the vote for your PHP 8.1 Release Managers opens today.

Now, if fact.

Please take your newly reset authentication credentials over to and place your ranked votes.

A few reminders:
1/ Joe Watkins, as the only "veteran" volunteer has a guaranteed spot.
2/ Since Joe offered to mentor a pair of rookies rather than the typical one, 
we still have two seats up for grabs.
3/ As there are 8 candidates and only 2 seats, it may take up to six rounds of 
STV elimination to reach the two winners, but it will likely take fewer.
4/ Please use all your votes, and use them on unique candidates.  Voting for 
the same candidate twice only wastes votes.
5/ If you don't know the candidates well enough to make a decision, reach out 
and ask them questions!
6/ Vote based on perceived trust and dependability, not popularity.

Good luck to all candidates, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


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