On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 3:41 AM Scott Arciszewski <sc...@paragonie.com> wrote:
> The failure condition of this query is
> "return all rows from the table already being queried", not "return
> arbitrary data the attacker selects from any table that the
> application can read".

Imagine that was a DELETE rather than SELECT and the failure condition
becomes 'the table is emptied'.
It may have less disastrous consequences (depending on how good your
backup / restore procedures are) compared to arbitrary reads you
demonstrated, but it is still, quite clearly, a glaring security hole
caused by user input in SQL query - AKA SQL injection in layman's

> it differs from Injection vulnerabilities in one
> fundamental way: The attacker cannot change the structure of the SQL
> query being executed.

I would say replacing a column name with value is changing the
structure of SQL query, and, basically, in exactly the way you
describe SQL injection: confusing the code (column name) with data.

I wholeheartedly welcome this RFC as it was originally proposed:
is_literal() doing exactly what it says on the tin, without any
security claims. But it has gone far from there real quick and now
people can't even name the thing.

  Best regards,
      Bruce Weirdan                                     mailto:weir...@gmail.com

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