On Fri, Jun 25, 2021, at 7:39 PM, Go Kudo wrote:
> Hello Internals.
> RFC has been reorganized for finalization.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/rng_extension
> The changes from the previous version are as follows:
> - Changed again to a class-based approach. The argument can be omitted, in
> which case an instance of XorShift128Plus will be created automatically.
> - Future scope was specified in the RFC and the functionality was separated
> as a Random extension.
> - Changed to separate it as a Random extension and use the appropriate
> namespace.
> - In order to extend the versatility of the final class, Random, a
> RandomInterface has been added, similar in approach to the
> DateTimeInterface.
> I've done a tidy implementation to make this final, but I'm currently
> suffering from error detection by Valgrind for unknown reasons.
> Implementation is here: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7079
> This can be reproduced with the following code.

This looks a lot nicer!

Question: Why `interface RandomInterface` but `interface 
RandomNumberGenerator`?  I would expect either both to have an Interface suffix 
or neither to.  (Preferably neither.)

For that matter, I don't get why RandomInterface exists, if you'll just always 
use Random all the time, and it's final.

--Larry Garfield

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