Le 18/07/2021 à 22:46, Kalle Sommer Nielsen a écrit :

Den søn. 18. jul. 2021 kl. 21.47 skrev Tobias Nyholm <tobias.nyh...@gmail.com>:
I would like to get karma to be able to vote on RFCs. I understand that voting 
karma isn’t usually given out to people who write their first mailing list 

I'm not comfortable with this if this is indeed your first person to
internals. There was a similar concern with the maintainer of PHPStan
a while ago, who while also have a large set of downloaded packages,
did not participate in the internals community by actively taking part
of the conversation at the time at least and the request turned out to
be declined.

-1 from me to prevent discrimination and keep it consistent.


I don't have karma as well, and I sure don't have the legitimacy to represent anyone else but me, but I wouldn't feel comfortable if some would have gain voting right because they maintain a lot of community packages, and here's why:

 - For once, I'm writing PHP since PHP 3, and doing it professionally for more than 15 years, I wrote PHP code 8+ hours a day for the latest 15 years (more or less), I'm one of the many silent users for which each language feature change will impact every-day's life. Maintaining open source community driven tools doesn't make their writers fundamentally better than the rest of us in programming, it just make them visible.

 - All those daily silent users doesn't always agree with community packages standards, style, design and direction, and that's legit, thus community maintainers cannot represent all the daily users. Regarding a community package, no matter how much it relies on community or users and feedback, will always see its final decisions under the hand of a few, which may not be representative (and for the best, since that the maintainer will have to maintain it, it's only legit to let him/her decide).

 - Proprietary code represents much more code in the end that open-source, most of us write proprietary all day long, at least as much code as we re-use community code.

I'm not comfortable with current voting process because all users can't say their word about the language features they'd really want to see, but on the other hand, the current voting process makes me safe because only people deeply engaged in maintaining it can vote, and they don't want their life to be harder, they want it to be a pleasure, which drives them to essentially make good decisions. And I can still express my opinion in this list, and I love PHP maintainers community for having allowed it.

Maybe what's missing in all that would be an additional voting process, not between people with karma, but a publicly opened one, like a survey, for which anyone could vote. Those surveys wouldn't count for the final decision, wouldn't have any "legal" outcome, but could give serious and solid insight for RFC discussions. It'd give an overview about what PHP users want and what they don't want or don't care about, this could actually change some decisions.

I really like the way everything happens, it's a solid process where only people that actually maintain or maintained the stuff can actually decide about what to maintain in the future, it's good. But maybe, in my opinion, it lacks one tiny detail: the global users feedback about how each decision will impact them.

That was my 2 cents.




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