On Mon, 19 Jul 2021 at 18:26, Guilliam Xavier <guilliam.xav...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 4:26 PM Nicolas Grekas <nicolas.gre...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7259
> >
> Great! Thanks! Interesting how it works out-of-the-box with just this
> addition in Zend/zend_language_parser.y:
> ```diff
>  type_expr:
>   type { $$ = $1; }
>   | '?' type { $$ = $2; $$->attr |= ZEND_TYPE_NULLABLE; }
>   | union_type { $$ = $1; }
>   | intersection_type { $$ = $1; }
> + | '?' intersection_type { $$ = $2; $$->attr |= ZEND_TYPE_NULLABLE; }
>  ;
> ```
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 5:09 PM Dan Ackroyd <dan...@basereality.com>
> wrote:
> > nicolas-grekas wrote on the PR:
> > > ?X&Y cannot be confused with
> >
> > It confused me. A compiler might understand it, but as a human I have
> > trouble understanding it.
> >
> > Trowski wrote:
> > > The syntax should be either ?(X&Y) or (X&Y)|null
> >
> > Non-ambiguous syntax is much better than ambiguous syntax.
> >
> Maybe it's just a matter of habit?
> For instance I got used to seeing things like `!$x = f()` (e.g. `if (!$x =
> f()) { throw /*...*/; } /* use $x */`) because some CS consider explicit
> parentheses in `!($x = f())` redundant (as PHP has a special case that
> "overrides" the normal precedence `(!$x) = f()` which would be an error).
> If you first consider `X&Y` as a type "unit", then it makes sense to make
> it "nullable" by prefixing it with `?`, I think?
> >
> > But this discussion is moot for 8.1.
> >
> > This limitation might make intersection types not be considered usable
> > by some projects, but the feature freeze is today.
> >
> Which can also be reversed: "The feature freeze is today, but this
> limitation might make intersection types not be considered usable by some
> projects"? (playing devil's advocate, I don't master the process)
> Regards,
> --
> Guilliam Xavier

Since when is usability for a specific project a consideration an RFC needs
to have?
If Symfony can't use it in its current state tough luck,
I'm sure plenty of other projects can, especially now that using 'new
Class' is possible as a default object value.

I frankly don't care about being able to have some sort of partial union
possible with the usage of intersection types,
because it seems the machinery in the engine which makes null work, should
also allow any standard PHP types as those are part of a bitflag and
handling variance with them seems to work just fine...

But for the love of god, this proposed syntax is horrendous, saying ?X&Y is
unambiguous is disingenuous.
It can either mean (?X)&Y = (X|null)&Y or ?(X&Y) = (X&Y)|null, the former
one being bogus as null&Y is an impossible type, something which should
error out to point out a potential bug in the same way we do for redundant
types that we know at compile time.
And if we allow this syntax then we really should be allowing ?A|B which is
(and no ?X&Y is NOT something I consider forward compatible when it is just
going to become one more edge case we need to maintain because people have
no patience).

If ?(X&Y) is allowed then ?(A|B) should also be allowed, and that needs an
RFC for sure due to the controversy it had in the union type RFC.

The only remaining sensible choice is (X&Y)|null / null|(X&Y), but as I
said above if the machinery for null is there it must mean the machinery
for int/string/array/float/bool is also there, and frankly being able to do
something like (Traversable&Countable)|array is also extremely valuable,
maybe even more than nullability, but in any case this is going to be
confusing for end-users why only null (or standard PHP types) can be
combined in a union with intersection types.

That's one reason why it's only pure intersection types, if I had more time
(or for crying out loud somebody would have paid me) to work on this I
would have loved to get full composite types working.

And I find it frankly insulting that in the four month this RFC has been
published for discussion, with multiple push backs for voting due to bugs
and me wanting that people know what implementation is - for the most part
- going to land in php-src, this specific point has not been raised.
It just feels like you are pissing on 6+ months of *unpaid* work I did
because it doesn't suit your needs, and you just realised that and so
decided to throw a wrench into a carefully crafted RFC to "fix" it by using
a Twitter mob to put pressure on us/me.

Maybe this topic didn't come up because for nearly everyone else "Pure
Intersection Types" means what it says on the can, moreso that in the RFC
the following line:
> This means it would *not* be possible to mix intersection and union types
together such as A&B|C, this is left as a future scope
makes it clear, and most voters also understood that '?' is not a type
"flag" but is syntactic sugar for 'null|'.

There are plenty of issues with the implementation, from the whack parser
hack, the non support for static/parent/self, to the complexity of the
variance code, but I made all of those clear because they made *me*
uncomfortable with the implementation.
So if you are going to force this crappy syntax, then I'd rather axe this
feature completely (and nobody can use/play with it) then have something I
do not accept, nor are forced to accept because of a vote, land in core
making PHP even more of an inconsistent joke.

Best regards,

George P. Banyard

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