Hi Mike Schinkel,

> Given there seems to be a lot of concern about the approach the RFC proposes 
> would it not address the concerns about memory usage and performance if 
> several methods were added to SplFixedArray instead (as well as functions 
> like indexOf(), contains(), map(), filter(), JSONSerialize(), etc., or 
> similar):
> ===============
> setCapacity(int) — Sets the Capacity, i.e. the maximum Size before resize
> getCapacity():int — Gets the current Capacity.
> setGrowthFactor(float) — Sets the Growth Factor for push(). Defaults to 2
> getGrowthFactor():float — Gets the current Growth Factor
> pop([shrink]):mixed — Returns [Size] then subtracts 1 from Size. If 
> (bool)shrink passed then call shrink().
> push(mixed) — Sets [Size]=mixed, then Size++, unless Size=Capacity then 
> setSize(n) where n=round(Size*GrowthFactor,0) before Size++.
> grow([new_capacity]) — Increases memory allocated. Sets Capacity to 
> Size*GrowthFactor or new_capacity.
> shrink([new_capacity]) — Reduces memory allocated. Sets Capacity to current 
> Size or new_capacity.
> ===============
> If you had these methods then I think you would get the memory and 
> performance improvements you want, and if you really want a final Vector 
> class for your own uses you could roll your own using inheritance or 
> containment.

I asked 8 months ago about `push`/`pop` in SplFixedArray. The few responses 
were unanimously opposed to SplFixedArray being repurposed like a vector,
the setSize functionality was treated more like an escape hatch and it was 
conceptually for fixed-size data.

I also believe adding a configurable growth factor would be excessive for a 
high level language.


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