> > Hello Folks, Thanks a lot for your feedback, as already mentioned in > the RFC and as mentioned by Rowan too a new function is an option. I > think that mostly we will go with the new function option. > I will try to edit the PR to add a new function, does there any > suggestions/naming conventions for the new function? a colleague > suggested being `array_group_by` and Hendra already suggested to be > `array_column_group` which is good too.
It would be better if You add another voting item for this one. In my opinion, `column` is less important to be included, and `array_group` is sufficiently descriptive. `reducer` is one of the candidates to be included. Additionally, there are `mapper`, `filter`, and `sorter`. So Obviously we need a new function, rather than modify the old one. To be clear and to make it simpler, all callbacks operate on the deepest subgroup. Signature: reducer(array|object $item, int|string $index, mixed $cumulative): mixed mapper(array|object $item): array|object filter(array|object $item, int|string $index): bool sorter(array|object $item1, array|object $item2): int A note in case you are able to implement them: - `reducer` and `mapper` cannot coexist in a single function call. - `filter` should be executed before `reducer` or `mapper`. - `sorter` should be decided whether it executes before or after `reducer`/ `mapper`: `sorter` is more suitable to execute before `filter`, but more suitable after `mapper`. A note for consumers: - `mapper` is designed to operate on the subgroup item, but it can be operated on the field value of the item. - filtering can be done inside `reducer` or `mapper`, but the number of subgroup members is as it is. With dedicated `filter` supplied, we can decrease the number. - If You want to filter an intermediate group, You can use `unset` or `if-else` $group = array_group($people, ["education", "sex"], FN_REDUCER); foreach ($group as &$eduGroup) { foreach ($eduGroup as &$sexGroup) { unset($sexGroup["male"]); } } Not a perfect solution, but at least your code is reduced. Best Regards Hendra Gunawan. -- PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List To unsubscribe, visit: https://www.php.net/unsub.php