Hello internals,

I last brought this RFC up for discussion in August, and there was
certainly interesting discussion. Since then there have been many
improvements, and I'd like to re-open discussion on this RFC. I mentioned
in the first email to the list that I was planning on taking a while before
approaching a vote, however the RFC is much closer to vote-ready now, and
I'd like to open discussion with that in mind.

RFC Link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/user_defined_operator_overloads

There is a patch for this RFC, however the latest commits are not playable.
It will build, but with various problems which are being worked on related
to enums. The last playable commit can be found by checking out this commit:


This commit however does not have the enum for operator position described
in the RFC. It uses a bool instead with true being the left side, and false
being the right side.

Implementation details still left:
- There are issues related to opcache/JIT still, so if you want to play
around with the playable commit disable both.
- Reflection has not been updated, but the proposed updates necessary are
described in the RFC.

It is a long RFC, but operator overloads are a complicated topic if done
correctly. Please review the FAQ section before asking a question, as it
covers many of the main objections or inquiries to the feature. I'd be
happy to expand on any of the answers there if prompted however.


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