On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 at 23:47, Mark Randall <marand...@php.net> wrote:

> Let's open a discussion as to what we might want to do in the future,
> and depending on how things shake out, we can decide what route to take
> with regards to bringing RFCs to vote.

While I did begin an RFC to allow *some* functions to be more tolerant of
NULL, especially for those scripts not using `strict_types`:


Or in other words, to "relax certain type requirements on a case by case
basis", ref the original discussion:


The only feedback I've received is that it's a "terrible idea" (no
details), "it's a bit late" (deprecations have already been issued, full
steam ahead?), and the typical objections/negativity (-4 points on
externals.io, not quite a record, but getting there).

The view seems to be that every single PHP developer must use *strict*
static analysis (e.g. Psalm at levels 1 to 3, with no baseline), and tools
like Rector or PHPCompatibility (neither of which handle this problem;
where I'll note that it will be hard to do, as it involves tracking every
single variable from source to sink).

While I'm not a C programmer, I was just thinking of replacing some uses of
`Z_PARAM_STR` with something similar to `Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL`, maybe
calling it `Z_PARAM_STR_ALLOW_NULL`, where it would return an empty string
for NULL with scripts not using `strict_types`... but I got the impression
this would be unacceptable.

So I assume, with this PHP 9.0 discussion, we should just get on with this
ideological purity, move on from deprecation, and raise a Fatal Error for
everyone committing heinous crimes such as:

echo htmlspecialchars($name);

Where `$name` might contain NULL, due to using something like
`($_GET['name'] ?? NULL)`, as used by some minor frameworks
like Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc - a pattern used to denote
a value not being provided by the user.

As an aside, I love how the RFC template includes this example quote from

> PHP is and should remain:
> 1) a pragmatic web-focused language
> 2) a loosely typed language
> 3) a language which caters to the skill-levels and platforms of a wide
range of users

And, yes, I am venting, but who cares, I'm not going to change anyones mind.


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