
On 2/15/22 12:48, Go Kudo wrote:
At first, I updated the RFC to the latest status.


Thank you, the examples are useful.

I need some time to think about the current issue. I understand its
usefulness, but I feel uncomfortable with the fact that the NumberGenerator
generates a string.

Would you feel more comfortable if the interface would be called \Random\Engine or \Random\Generator (i.e. leaving out the "Number" from the interface name)?

Engine is the term used by C++: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/mersenne_twister_engine Generator is the term used by Java: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/random/RandomGenerator.html


With the 'FixedForUnitTest' example you mentioned in the RFC: While for that specific implementation it appears pretty obvious that increasing numbers are generated, in practice:

1. This will result in inconsistent behavior based on the architecture. I can't test it due to the lack of the necessary architectures, but I believe the following to be accurate:

    $g = new FixedForUnitTest();

    $r = new Randomizer($g);

    // 0100000000000000 in 64 Bit little endian
    // 0100000002000000 in 32 Bit little endian
    // 0000000000000001 in 64 Bit big endian

2. This analogy completely breaks down for the 'shuffle' functions which call the generator internally an unspecified number of times:

    $g = new FixedForUnitTest();

    $r = new Randomizer($g);

var_dump($r->shuffleString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); // wosqyrupatvxznmlkjihgfedcb var_dump($r->shuffleString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); // fwrtjndlsyvpzuhxbqomkigeca

The resulting strings look somewhat ordered, but there is no clear pattern, despite the underlying generator being completely predictable!

I also wonder about the point of changing RNG to XorShift128Plus. There are
a number of derived implementations, which RNG do you think is more

I'm not an expert in RNGs, but based off this page: https://prng.di.unimi.it/ and the linked papers it appears that xoshiro256** is the overall best choice if memory usage is not a concern.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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