On 24 February 2022 09:47:39 CET, Go Kudo <g-k...@colopl.co.jp> wrote:
>RFC has been updated. Is this up to the required standard?
>I acknowledge that the previous RFC may have been difficult to discuss. If
>the problem has been solved, I would like to make another ML-wide
>announcement and wait for two weeks from there.
>I added PCG64 because according to the RNG experts, there seems to be a
>mild conflict between Xorshiro256 and PCG64. Also, as mentioned in the RFC,
>Rust and NumPy also implement PCG64.
>In order to verify the feasibility of PCG64, we created a PoC in C. So far,
>it seems to work fine.
>Go Kudo


Two small nits:
- The "Backward Incompatible Changes" section is missing the fact that
`\Random\Randomizer` will be reserved.
- In the definition of `Randomizer` in the "Proposal" section, there is a typo:
`function getBytes(int $legnth)` should be `$length` instead.

To me, this RFC looks very good so far - I don't have a vote however.


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