On 18/03/2022 10:18, Florian Stascheck wrote:
function getUnreadDocuments(): int {
$documents = Auth::user()?->getDocuments() ?? return 0;
// actual logic of the function
return 42;

I think I'd probably reject that example as too cryptic in a code review; the mixture of assignment and control flow is hard to follow, even more so than this, which is already possible:

if ( ! $documents = Auth::user()?->getDocuments() ) return 0;

I can imagine some people would like it, though, particularly those used to the Perl "doSomething() or die;" idiom.

The throw expression has uses in things like lambdas and match expressions, which only accept expressions not statements. I can't think of any examples where "return" would be useful in such contexts, and in fact wonder what they'd even do:

return $foo = match(1) { default => return 42; }

$foo = fn() => return 42;

function foo() { return return 42; }  // presumably you could stack this endlessly, "return return return return 42;"

function foo() { yield return 42; }

Throwing exceptions already aborts the control flow, so doing so in the middle of an expression is easy to understand; having an early return in the middle of an expression is harder to understand.


Rowan Tommins

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